Presentation of the journal


Spicae, Cahiers de l'Atelier Vincent de Beauvais is an peer-reviewed, on-line journal/text series devoted to scholarly investigation in the field of medieval encyclopaedism and transfer of knowledge from Antiquity to the Middle Ages in the West. It also includes the transmission of Greek, Syriac and Arabic texts translated in Latin before their integration in medieval encyclopaedias in Latin or in the vernacular.

Spicae publishes articles, critical editions, works in progress, lists of manuscripts or short scholarly notes.

Articles may by submitted in any topic in the field of medieval encyclopaedism. Spicae publishes also the works of the team Atelier Vincent de Beauvais and its scientific partners. The journal also completes the research done through the Sourcencyme project (Sources of the medieval encyclopaedias: an annotated corpus).

From 1979 to 1986, Spicae was published as paper journal. These back issues can be downloaded as searchable PDF-files from the research team's website.

The first on-line issue of Spicae will be published in December 2011.

Languages of publication: French, English, Italian, German.

ISSN 2257-6819